Sensory Hybrid Approach

Sensory Hybrid Approach

A deeper human connection.
A heightened level of responsiveness.
A stronger sense of self.

I have found consistently that when I combine Dance/movement therapy and its naturally occurring sensory stimulation with additional sensory engagement techniques in the moment during sessions, I am able to encourage a deeper human connection, heightened level of responsiveness, and stronger sense of self for my clients. Participants appear more focused, relaxed, engaged, and connected. In my experience working with older individuals, offering opportunities for them to enjoy familiar music, sights, smells, and tactile items helps to promote nostalgia, familiarity, and connection to past memories and experiences. My DMT and sensory hybrid approach functions as a key to help reach the person inside (often hidden underneath their losses, illnesses, and traumas), to elicit a fuller, richer, and more natural response. A deeper connection to the self, to others, and to the process overall begins to takes place.